Hello everyone, I've been lurking on this site for a while now, but finally worked up the gumption to register/post.
You can call me Bookgirl

Interesting discussion, I don't want to get into a black/white debate, but I personally feel the majority of crime within not just black communities but in white communities as well can be traced back to the lack of a father figure.
Now I'm just a nerdy white woman (a woman who loves musical theater and gangster films, so yeah I'm strange

) so you are all free to say I don't know what I'm talking about. But speaking as a woman I can tell you this...we need our fathers in our lives just as much, if not MORE then guys do.
I keep hearing this comment "if these black girls would stop spreading their legs, then their wouldn't be so many children growing up out of wedlock" etc. But do you know WHY so many girls (and not just black girls) sleep around and get pregnant at 16?
Because they don't have a father to check them.
Growing up, all my girlfriends didn't have a father in their life, or a father who was around all the time. In fact I was the only girl on my street who came from a two-parent home. And let me tell you...I couldn't get away with half the stuff my girlfriends could.
My father knew who I was with, who I was dating, etc. I couldn't fool around with guys because my father would have whipped my little butt. At the time I hated it and was envious of my friend. Now that I am a adult and the only one out of my friends who didn't end up pregnant at 17 or hooked on drugs, I couldn't be more grateful.
And even now as a grown woman living on her own, I know my father still has my back. If some man I dated hurt me, I know my dad would be the first one there 'defending my honor'

because THAT is what fathers are for, and that is why girls (not just boys) need them in their lives.
My father is my rock, and no matter how old I get I know he always has my back. And sadly so many women these days don't know what that is like, and THAT is why so many end up with 5 plus kids before they turn twenty.
That's just my opinion.