I'd mentioned that on another forum when the question was raised what caused the FBI to renege on Casso's deal. Most people said it was because he was still committing crimes while in jail, and bribing guards and prison officials for better food, commissary, jail luxuries, and just overall special treatment. Sal Miciotta claimed Casso was trying to run the jail and still be the Mob boss even after turning informant, he says he had his own little crew of rats, and he had guards handcuff him to the shower while Casso laid in on Big Sal. He also supposedly plotted to kill a judge, but I definitely think him telling the truth about Gravano being a major player in drugs, and he himself being responsible for some of the murders Gotti got convicted for, which contradicted Gravano's testimony, destroyed his and the Bureau's credibility, and gave chance for Gotti to actually get out of prison some day, contributed majorly to them taking his deal away. The feds couldn't risk them being proved wrong on letting Gravano walk, they didn't want to lose their star mob witness or believe that he lied to them. Shame Casso has to spend the rest of his life in prison for simply being honest, in that regard. He deserves to be there, but he should be there because he got convicted and sentenced and that be that. He shouldn't be in there for telling the truth about one of their informants, and them wanting to be in denial and reneging on his deal as a way of keeping the truth from getting out. Real shame because he was proven to be right a couple of years later anyway, knowing he was right all along, and the FBI still not giving him what was agreed upon must wreck his mind.
But he's a sociopath, so it's hard to feel really sorry for him.