Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
I´m not sure this National Crime Syndicate and its board of directors even existed. At least not in the way of a combination of Jewish gangsters and LCN, including the Chicago outfit. I´m sure representatives from the two groups met to discuss crime and share ventures but a joint, formal ruling body seems far fetched to me. I could be wrong because I do not know much about Jewish organized crime but I can´t remember any of the Italian informants telling about a National Crime Syndicate.The info I´ve got on Schultz´s murder is that it was discussed and settled among the bosses on the Italian Commission (LCN).

Murder Inc to me seems equally farfetched. Whose to say it wasn't a media creation and we weren't actually looking at the Buchalter gang?

All the Ocean Hill wiseguys that were tried and fried right alongside them?