Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Criminals have been given the green light that they can do what they want. Afterward they can just call it "social justice". Prepare for a 1970s like crime stats, NY.

They've been saying this since the day de Blasio was sworn in, but crime was at historic lows in 2014.

Set in motion by Giuliani and then Bloomberg (who I couldn't stand by the end of his third term). By the time this mutt de Blasio is out of office, NYC crime rates will mirror those of the Dinkins era.

I couldn't care less anymore. If all goes right, I'm spending more time in Florida anyway. I hope the first victims of the new wave of violence are the White hipster liberals who are making up the bulk of these protests.

Send them back to Wisconsin and Ohio in boxes for all I care. It's the only way they'll ever learn. Well, they won't learn. Because they'll be dead. But the word will get out.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.