Whoever from associate and up that you're comfortable sharing

Any and all ordered by Larocca or Genovese or their capos. Its whatever you want to write down, man.
For an out-of-state online researcher there's barely any information available. Practically nothing at all, other than the well-documented Youngstown war...but that's a bit like keeping track of the Lucchese family's hits and misses based on who got whacked by the Jersey faction, you know?
I can tell you I've been heavily researching the Pittston Family for over 3 years now. I still couldn't tell you what guys got killed during the heyday because I didn't live there and its been lost to all but those who did.
http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=XIJcAAAAIBAJ&sjid=41YNAAAAIBAJ&pg=1737,2532222&dq=joey+naples+murder&hl=en (Joey Naples Murder)
http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=odFIAAAAIBAJ&sjid=LoIMAAAAIBAJ&pg=2318,2607648&dq=ernie+biondillo+murdock+st&hl=en (Ernie Biondillo Murder)
February 13, 1980 – Robert "Bobby" DeCerbo, who had survived one attempt to kill him – a car bombing which left him partially maimed – was a victim of the Mahoning Valley’s Carabbia/Naples War. DeCerbo was in his Beaver Township home watching television with his wife. The couple’s children were a sleep in their bedrooms. At approximately 10:45 two shotgun blasts exploded through the front window hitting the 36 year-old DeCerbo in the chest and arms. He was rushed to St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center where he died an hour later of shock and hemorrhage from the wounds. DeCerbo’s killer was believed to be Joe DeRose, Jr. Police theorized that DeCerbo, who had been associated with the Carabbia faction, might have changed sides.
Joe DeRose Jr disappeared and is "presumed" dead
Dominic "Junior" Senzarino
https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2002/07/21/1381801.php**It would take me hours to pull files out of the 30,000 files that I have to give you a laundry list of the mob hits sanctioned by Pittsburgh. Copy and paste google links as there are some "in depth" articles and federal affadavits.