Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo

One more thing. Capeci's article mentions Blue Moon Magoon. That might be correct, but the appellation I always read was Blue Jaw Magoon.

Nice catch. He was called Blue Jaw Magoon because of his 5 o'clock shadow. If someone can't get that information right, why should I believe anything else?

I don't see how any author today can have "inside information" to what occured 80 years ago. Unless they have 100 year old informants in nursing homes feeding information, it's all biased opinion we're entitled to disagree with. The information provided by Reles and others is the best available IMO. As far mafia informants, Joe Valachi acknowledged its existence but said mafia and murder inc did not collaborate, which was true generally though there may have been exceptions.

Last edited by ht2; 01/10/15 04:58 PM.