Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Barrett, I'm not coming in here to pick a fight because when you post on here or in the OC threads, you never post bull. And I do respect your decisions and thinking so do not think I'm trying to bash them.

It's fine man, as I understood it the purpose of the thread was for debate. I'm not too thin skinned. And thank ya smile

Do you really think we picked up those taxi cab drivers for no reason? Like total mistake? Just picked them up off the streets and said "Here's some guys we can use for practice" Regardless of what side of the political line the officials that made the call to pick them up stand on, the guys that did so on months of intelligence. They are professionals that handle these situations very seriously.

Of course. About 90% of the cases were handled well. I'm not losing any sleep over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. My point was that in a wide-net torture program, that wide net is inevitably going to catch a few people in its midst that really don't deserve to be there. My point is there should be more oversight so incidents like this don't happen, and after the fact, we should be aware of what happened so as not to have a repeat scenario.

Now I'm not saying I'm right and your wrong. When it comes to international politics, everyone has to understand that we as civilians know only around ten percent of the whole story. You can even look that statistic up if you don't believe me.

Yeah. We really don't know much. And transparency is very important. One of the great letdowns of the Obama administration, of course is a lack of transparency. There are some aspects of the torture program we probably WANT to be kept in the dark about, but some data that showed us how well it was working would have put a lot of people at ease.

The information that CNN, Fox news, and other media outlets obtain to report on these situations are from third and fourth hand sources. The guys reporting straight to the top that says "Hey we are taking this guy in" are pretty much all high level officials in the defense agencies like CIA, NSA, FBI. These aren't "Private First Class Harry" out of basic training saying alright he's going to Gitmo. If I had to make an educated guess, I'd bet that there was a lot to the taxi driver situation that me and you do not know about and probably never will know about because it will remain classified.

That's fine. I just would prefer a demonstration by the NSA or a demonstration by the military to Congress that their respective programs instituted after 9/11 are doing their respective jobs admirably. You get me?

It doesn't add up. We recently let out a bunch of high level terrorists from Gitmo, yet we are keeping these two clowns? Whether if they were couriers or actual members I do not know. But the government has to have a good reason for them still to be locked down.

Right. It's definitely worth looking in to. There is a documentary out called Taxi to the dark Side as well as some investigate journalism on the subject. The other two mens names are "Abdul Rahim" and "Zakik Shah" if you want to look in to it. One has to form their own conclusion.