Ok so you win Islam is to blame every person who has Islamic beliefs is evil and are a threat to National Security regardless of what country they live in, what do we do? Gather everyone up tell them they are wrong and you have to join our team. If they say no we have mass executions just like Cuba? Che Guevara will be proud. That could be kind of messy maybe we should put them in camps? the Japanese really like that alternative during WWII That is just the US though, what do we do for other countries? I mean obviously we should kill every Muslim in the Middle East they are the enemy after all. What about the close to 1 billion living in India, Southeast Asia and China? They didn't have anything to do with the terror attacks, they are actually progressive they wear "normal" clothes have had 7 female Head of State (USA has had 0) But they follow Islam, we should probably kill them to just to be safe, Islam is a dangerous violent religion after all.
You're getting closer Dude87...keep coming.