OK, I have a funny story for this song.

My sister went to New York last week with the high school choir. She called me and said she lost her instrumental version to "New York, New York", which is what they were gonna sing. I had the instrumental version saved on my computer, so I told her I would put it on a cd and bring it to her. Well, my oldest brother was messing around and got all my files mixed with his files. So I put the song on the cd and rush it over. When I get to my sisters house, we plugged in the cd to see if the quality was alright, and this God-awful song comes over the speakers. Come to find out, my brother d/l Ja Rule's version, saved it as the same name as mine and saved over my instrumental version of the much better "New York, New York."

Luckily, I had a backup folder with another copy of the song. Needless to say, I was mad .

Just thought I'd share .