Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
This conflict seems to be even worse than the wars over Chicago and Artie Nigro on RealDeal 1 or 2 years ago.
But why did he say in that deleted post he wasn't Jewish? Is he German maybe? Lieber is a German name.
I still can't get it how people differentiate between the 2. For example, when I asked somebody whether Katzenberg (in that case I was talking about the gangster Jacob Katzenberg) was a Jewish or German name, they immediately said "Jewish". How the hell do people recognize the difference? Katzenberg means "cat mountain" in German, Weiss means "white" etc.

I've been to Hamburg a few times.
The names you're talking about are German.
The way it was explained to me.. Either when they first arrived en masse in Germany or later, Jews were able to "purchase" certain surnames.Perhaps certain German surnames became exclusively jewish over time. I think some of the names actually describe certain type of trades..like Blank-berg or Blankstein. like what Goldsmith might literally mean.