Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
valachi knew a lot, if he was such a low level guy why was he so close to vito Genovese? vito was his best man at his wedding, also his wifes father or uncle, I forget which. gaetano reina, was boss of the luchesse family before he was shot and killed, giving valachi a friendship with Thomas luchesse.

valachi recounted many murders, and events that were true, he had an amazing memory, he was not as low-level as some would think.

he was present when maranzano created the five families, he knew a lot of people. greg scarpa was low-level when he first started ratting, but, he was the biggest rat of all, snitching for 3o years.

I never said he was that low level. I just stated the absolute fact that he was kept at arm's length by some of the Family (namely the Bronx and Westchester wings).

Now I don't know if that information is available online or in a book, and I really don't care. Because that's how the Westside operates. Back then, and up until today. If you were a soldier, you knew your skipper. That's it. Simple as that. And that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.