Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
goombah, you are correct. and I would like to add that romo is never going to get the cowboys where staubach, and aikman got them.

he just doesn,t have what they had. jones has stuck with him to long. and they better be thinking about another QB right now.

I cannot disagree about Romo. He is the Kardashian of QBs - lots of style but not a whole lot of substance.

I think that if Staubach had as much talent around him as Aikman, Roger would have 5-6 trophies. Not that Staubach played on teams without starts, but the 92-95 Cowboys teams were a dynasty. If Jones hadn't let his ego get in the way forcing Jimmy Johnson out, they would have cruised to 4 titles in a row. Even an idiot like Switzer was able to put the team on auto-pilot and get a title in '95.

The Cowboys of the present have a lot to offer with that offensive line and one of the best WRs in the league. They probably will have to let Murray go because of the salary cap, but if they could land a young top notch QB they would be set for the next 5-7 years.