I thought the Feds prepared the charts and lists but I was wrong. The NYPD prepared the charts at the McClellan/Valachi hearings. Here's a transcript from the McClellan hearings with an NYPD inspector:


The CHAIRMAN. Have you gone over the information that the committee has obtained and conferred with the staff regarding it, and also with this witness, Joe Valachi?
Mr. SHANLEY. I haven't conferred with the witness.
The CHAIRMAN. You never conferred with the witness?
Mr. SHANLEY. No, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. So what you are going to testify to here is not a
result of any conference you have had with Valachi ?
Mr. SHANLEY. No, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Very well, you may proceed.
Mr. ADLERMAN. "Will you explain how these charts were prepared, or were these charts prepared under your direction?
The CHAIRMAN. You have prepared some charts showing these different families that have been testified to here by the witness, have you?
Mr. SHANLEY. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Have you prepared charts showing known members in each of these families.
Mr. SHANLEY. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Then the charts that you are about to present here and testify to are charts showing the families that have been testified to here by the witness, and a number of the members of that family that are known to you in your official position in New York?
Mr. SHANLEY. Yes, sir.

Last edited by ht2; 01/28/15 11:19 AM.