I found out about Bianca's by complete accident. I had just returned back from a Vegas Vacation with the boys and had absolutely no money to my name. I had a hot date with a girl that I picked up on the NJ Transit bus before I left for Vegas that I didn't want to cancel so I scoured the internet for a great, inexpensive Italian restaurant and found Bianca's by complete mistake. The food was terrific, the wine was great, and I was hooked, my go to spot from then on. I remember that we ended up going out drinking that night in the Village straight after eating at Bianca's to Off The Wagon (I was 23 at the time), what a fun night! I miss my 20's.........
PS I bet our paths crossed during the period of my life I frequented Satin Dolls,

I have a crazy story from that place that I'm reluctant to share with people I don't know on here....