Originally Posted By: RedBullets
Originally Posted By: PhillyMob
I understand that he was a lower tier mafia guy and may not have known all that was going on in with the upper echelon.
But is it true that he knew absolutely nothing about the charts they made up during his testimony to the senate committee?

I'm reading deal with the devil right now and their making it like it was the f.b.i. And Greg scarpa who had that information about the five separate families and their structure.
Joe cargo was used as the frontman I guess you could say.

Is there truth to that?

Cago was in the mob for more than 30 years. You can meet a lot of people in 30 years. I doubt he lied about the charts and knowing the names/faces. Not all families were as secretive as the Genovese family.

Not saying he lied about anything. Was saying that I read that he didn't really no as much as they made it seem.
Of course he probably made a lot of connections a knew a lot of people after three decades of service to "the life".
But Scarpa definitely had more inside knowledge and the illegal wiretaps were a big help as well for the FBI

Thanks again for all replies

"My uncle(Nicky Scarfo) always told me, you have to use your brains in this thing, and you always have to use the gun." -"crazy" Phil Leonetti-