persico admitted CN, that's why gotti called him a rat and pushed arena into taking over the family..not sure which of the other bosses admitted it through attorneys. i believe even badalmenti admitted CN..the bonano guys were taking pleas saying they won't make any more guys or something like that circa late 80's.. al a few more.. who am i to say they should not.. omertà , not admitting CN is the first thing you swear to when getting made, i guess when you are the boss trying to save your ass in todays CN they justify it..even chin admitted the crazy act to get his son off.. i hate to quote gotti, even if the world knows CN exists .. if i had a steeple sticking out of my ass....never admit. there are and have been so many C.I.s of all ranks ,the stand up guys do not have a shot if they are active. when a guy flips today, nobody should be matter what position they hold..i'm sure after some guys flip they figure out who the C.I.s were.C.I.s in my opinion even take bids to cover up .i.e. sparaco..johnson..sidge. if the mob guys do not kill or deal drugs..they will be around a long time..and if caught in spite of C.I.s they will only get short time..look what has been going on for the last 10 years. marino got 5 years for killing his nephew..shylock cases are getting under a year..they will build up if they stay non violent..just keep making deals and use contacts ..good time to be a mobster