yaeh iim starting to think that stabbing was lcn related. someone must have not wanted his book out and tried to stop it. not a hit just a threat stabing, heard in the gut is more painful then getting shot. don't believe for a second gotti sr sent john alite in 1986(whats alite 23?) to tell joe n gallo to step down gravano would have put that in his book. gotti paid for gallos appeal on those ravenite tapes talking about how expansive it was.
That stabbing wasn't LCN related, get it out of your head pmac.
Alite telling Joe N Gallo to step down? I agree with you. That's hilarious, Gallo would've slapped the shit out of him. Gallo was very well liked & respected. He was consig under 3 bosses, Carlo, Paul & JG. He was a contender to take over from Anastasia for fucks sake.
Terrible audio quality on this video.