Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: mackinblack007
He admits to the proffer session in his book, and says he snitched on two enemies for revenge, I think he backed out because he didnt want his sons to have to change there name, but he shit all over that name himself.

That's the rat's National Anthem:

Verse One: I did it for revenge.

Verse Two: I did it for my family.

Same shit every snitch tells himself to get to sleep at night. I'm not judging him. It is what it is. And unless you've been in that position yourself, you really shouldn't pass judgement on the guy. But a rat is a rat is a rat.

You are 100% right.Same story over and over.You missed one: "They were goin' to kill me".
But as you said,until you are in that position you really don't know.