I think some of Veasey's family were using John's mother's maiden name but I think some still use Veasey as well.

Everyone says how they hate him and that he talks out of his Ass a lot but you can't say the guys isn't or wasn't tough and crazy as shit. I do think he exaggerates a bit at times and is probably not doing as good as he says. He talks about how good he was doing as a car salesman before someone made him out. He never talked to the media when he was doing So Good. But the last 10 years or so he has done a book, a magazine article and was in the news for things like when he went to Chang's lottery stand or calling the guys wives. That makes me think he isn't still doing as well as he would like everyone to believe. But still, local wiseguys knew when he was in the city and after all the talk, nobody did or said anything. They know how nuts he is and how tough he once was that they would rather he just go away than do anything to him. And lets face it, violence isn't the go to fix it once was. I haven't heard of him in the news since his book (which was a decent quick read) but I just don't think you can doubt that he was tough as nails back in the day.I can't even hate on him for ratting like some others who have due to his circumstances with Stanfa. The Stanfa Mob used him and he used them back. That's how I see it in his case.