Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: azguy
Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
looks like boston might be one of the strongest families in the country, so much for the mob being taken down.

sounds like they are coming back strong as ever.


Stop living in dream land, they're losing power by the year.

Like a guy in England would know a cannon from a canoli

Where are you from? It's common knowledge that The Patriarca family aren't 'stronger then ever' you utter spastic.

I grew up in West Roxbury, my grand parents lived in Rosindale for 50 years and finally move to the suburbs, Dedham (...lol) 10 years ago. while in college and afterwards I lived in Allston and Brighton and actually saw Frank Salemme and his boys out and about many times at the old Channel nightclub that was turned into a strip joint breifly in the early 90's. It's the main reason I got interested in LCN. Seeing him roll in there with 8 or 10 guys and act like he owned the place (I guess he sort of did) was like out of a movie.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"