Don't know much about Philip other then he was with the carpenters union.

Onofrio is in Danny Marino's crew, get's out in 2018.

On August 22, 1987, MODICA’s motorcycle was used in connection with the drive-by shooting of two individuals in Staten Island, JAMES DIGUGLIELMO and RICHARD SBARRA. After the murders occurred, MODICA made false statements to the police and helped to hide and destroy evidence in an effort to protect the individuals who killed DIGUGLIELMO and SBARRA from being arrested and convicted.

In 1992, then-boss JOHN J. GOTTI was on trial for federal racketeering and murder charges in the Eastern District of New York. MODICA, along with various other Gambino Family members, took part in a plot to locate the anonymous, sequestered jurors sitting on that trial. MODICA and the others eventually penetrated various security measures, and located the jury at the hotel where it was sequestered. The plan to tamper with the jury was called off, however, when GOTTI came to believe that the jury would not convict him, even without outside interference.