I really enjoyed last night's episode.
First of all, I am suspicious of this new place. Beautiful homes and it looks nice but something isn't right. WHY are they video taping/interview with everyone? The leader lady seems a bit too understanding/co-operative to be true, even thanking Glen for "kicking her son's ass."

AND the supposed "leader, Aiden, and his group seem like amateurs compared to Rick's group.

Hanging the Walkers (or as they say 'Dead Heads' LOL)that kill their people? I'm no weapon expert, but it seems the guns they handed to Glen and group weren't enough.
Where did the young girl running thru the woods disappear to AND why was she being cold toward Karl?
Rick looks so different without the beard no? lol AND Carol looked so not her. Ha ha ha.
All and all something is not right and I agree with Karl who told his dad, they seem weak. Makes me wonder if they ever were beyond those gates.
Liked this episode!!!