If you didn't grow up around it, and you're unfamiliar with the Gottis and the New York mob of the '80s, and you feel that you have to read those books,
keep in mind that the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. And that's when two honest people are doing the recollecting 
Could't have said it better. I bought Alite's book on hardcover, would have got Gotti's too but it's only on ebook format.
From what I've heard up till now both books have exaggerations and contain discrepancies.
You can't really side with one or the other all the way. At first I liked Gotti Jr, all based on his 60 mins interview, he gave me a genuine and halfway intelligent sorta vibe, but now after reading some of Alite's book's pages and his version, I believe he paints a more realistic picture of Jr.. but yeah, the truth is obviously somewhere in the middle, but not all of the truth. I bet there's a lot of stuff both of them have kept hidden.