Originally Posted By: Jimmythepen
Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke
Originally Posted By: Jimmythepen

It seems mental to me, it really does. You want another guy clipped, so you go off mouthing about it to an undercover. Why not speak to someone you trust, someone going back years? This undercover is unlikely to have been there for THAT long.

The mouthing off part, ridiculous as it is, isn't even the worst of it. The way they wanted the hit to be executed reaches new heights of hilarity. Lmao hiring a couple of bikers to throw around grenades like some coked-out paramilitary lunatics. What year are we in?

Exactly. It's just crazy. I mean maybe the idea was for bikers to do it so that it didn't look like it came from his crew, but as you say to want to throw grenades around is stupid. And for 25 grand, EACH!

I would have done it for 50 bucks lol

...and a button, right cool

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"