When reading about Irish OC you often come across articles on crime among Irish Travellers. But in general it seems that the majority of Traveller criminals (with several exceptions of course) are more active in stuff like burglaries, smaller robberies, fraud,...while most the really powerful criminal gangs that are involved in the more mob-like activities such as narcotics, extortion, rackets,...are not Travellers but rather come from the inner city working class districts of Dublin.
Thanks for sharing these articles by the way. Reading through it proves that Irish OC today is one of the more pervasive types in Europe.
If I remember well, Wayne Dundon claimed to be a Traveller. How serious is he considered in comparison with guys like Christy Kinahan. Are the Dundons known internationally or they don't have power outside Limerick? Just being curious.
From what I've learned the Dundons are Traveller from their mother's side. That's also where they have their connection to the McCarthy's, which is a notorious Traveller family. The Dundon's father is an East Londoner. They also lived in Hackney for quite some time before they moved to Limerick.
I don't think the Dundon-McCarthy's really had any power outside of Limerick. Sure they may have been known and within the prison they hold a reputation for violence. But to me it seems that their way of conducting business was solely based on violence. Their rivals the Keane-Collopy's on the other hand seemed to be far more professional. The Keane's were also the ones with the more important contacts for narcotics and such. The Keane-Collopy's, as far as I know, are not Travellers but come from the settled community. They grew up on the estates. Both gangs have been severely weakened now however.