Originally Posted By: Camarel
High Noon is a top 10 Western for me.

I think if there were a critics poll taken that most of them would put in the top five, maybe even three, as far as westerns go. The reviews that the film gets are stellar to this day.

It has flaws. For one thing, Gary Cooper was a little too old for the part---or Grace Kelly was too young, take your pick. He had almost thirty full years on her, and in some close shots it really shows. But I guess stranger things have happened. It just doesn't happen too much when the older man isn't named Trump lol.

Great movie. My favorite western is still "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral." It's probably an inferior film, and they took A LOT of liberties with the real-life story. But there's just something about Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster together that brings it all together for me.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.