Originally posted by Irishman12:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] Religion does not belong in a public school.
I have to disagree with you and say that it does [/b][/quote]OK.....Which one?

All of them? There must be at least a couple of dozen or so.

And in what way?

Praying? Singing hymns? Religious displays?

Religion is a private thing, between the individual and his religion. If a person wants to "go public" with it, every religion has houses of worship where an individual is free to express himself.

The U.S. Constitution clearly calls for a separation of church and state, and for good reason. Not only to protect the people from governement intervention in their religious beliefs, but to protect the government from the influences of religion.

Be careful here; we're on the slippery slope.

If we allow religion in public schools, without giving equal time to all religions (which would get rather unwieldy, given that every other day seems to be a holiday for some group or another), then, in effect, the state is sanctioning one religion over others, which is one or two steps away from religious persecution for not belonging to the "right" religion.

"Difficult....not impossible"