This is just one more sign that the world is going to shit and we need to do anything we can to put a stop to it. I had a Jewish teacher in 5th grade and guess what? She taught us about Hanukkah and nobody complained! It wasnt a big deal! There were no protests with people screaming "You are infringing on my rite to be an Atheist". Keep in mind, this was not 30 or 40 years ago, this was 1984! What the hell is the problem with some people? What the hell happend to good old American core values? Freaks and weirdo's are crawling out of the woodwork, you cant do a damn thing anymore without someone getting offended. Want to cut that tree down on your own property? Well you cant because some endangered bug lives under it. Want to go to your kids CHRISTMAS program? You cant because it might offend that jackass that lives in a VW van in the K-Mart parking lot, you know the woman who doesnt shave her legs or armpits, smells like fishermans warf at low tide and has all the "Greenpeace" and "Save the spotted owl" stickers on her van. It's time to admit once and for all that the 60's fucked this country up and I dont see it turning around anytime soon. What did all the drugs, free love and protesting give us? Crack heads, AIDS and ultra left wing liberals who seem to care about everything but human beings. God bless Ted Nugent, Randy Weaver, Sean Hannity and George Bush, at least there is still someone to look up to in this world.

My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys.

Get Hannitized

I support racial profiling.