Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] I just think it belongs in a private venue.
But why all of a sudden? Christmas carols & parades and the likes have been in schools for decades. Why is this year any different?? [/b][/quote]That doesn't mean it was right for decades.

We had slavery for decades, women didn't have the right to vote for decades, there was segregation for decades...... [/b][/quote]That's irrelevant to the issue. I don't think that Muslims, as you mentioned, should have the right to oppose something that is American as apple pie - christmas parades, parties, and concerts, if it isn't infringing on their right to practice their religion (which it clearly isn't). If a muslim teacher wanted to have a "muslim" christmas concert (strange, since I don't know of too many muslim music teachers, let alone ones who celebrate christmas...I thought they celebrated Ramadan, and that was one or two months ago), then that's his and the districts business. However, the taxpayers decide what is right in the district. And not the minority.

I don't find it a coincidence that our society, as we have moved away from morality, and yes, religion, we have degraded to the point we have reached now. It's sad when we can't have a christmas concert, supported by the majority, because one person who doesn't like it, the minority, disagrees.

I just think it belongs in a private venue.
Why? Do tax dollars not come from people who are religious? Why should, by default, the agnostic or athiest people have the final say over whether we can have "Christmas" or not? And in public? Please.

We have tax dollars that support a bible club at schools, is that wrong? Our tax dollars support all other activites, ethnic clubs, gay/lesbian clubs, etc.

Yet probably the least threatening thing, a CHRISTMAS CONCERT, an innocent concert where people can come and hear old fashioned songs (regardless of their content), is now brought to this point. It's as if God is some kind of dirty word. It's ridiculous.

Forgive me for thinking it's a tad hypocritical to say we have to have clubs for blacks and for gays in schools, but to have a Christmas concert, a tradition that has probably been a part of schools and even longer with battle hymns and such.

When I was in the school chorus during high school, I didn't tweak because my conductor was a hook. I didn't find it offensive if we sang a jewish song or something.