Originally posted by plawrence: Again, in case anyone missed my POV, looking at a nativity scene or listening to relgious Christmas music in no way offends me.
Slightly off topic - I don't know if you saw this in any of the news. Apparently, Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in London has done a nativity scene with some unlikely figures. Here's a portion of a newspaper article with a picture:
(from CNN.com) -
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Church leaders united on Wednesday to condemn a Christmas Nativity tableau depicting soccer star David Beckham as Joseph and his pop singer wife Victoria as the Virgin Mary.
Anglicans, Catholics and Presbyterians called the exhibit at Madame Tussaud's waxwork museum in London a new low in the cult of celebrity worship.
In the tableau, Australian pop star Kylie Minogue hovers above the crib as an angel while "Posh Spice" Victoria lays her shawled head tenderly on Beckham's shoulder.
Tony Blair, George W. Bush and the Duke of Edinburgh star as The Three Wise Men. The shepherds are played by Hollywood star Samuel L. Jackson, British actor Hugh Grant and camp Irish comedian Graham Norton.