So just because times change, we all of the sudden have a bunch of paranoid lefties getting their shorts twisted over something that's been a part of American culture for the last century, at least (holiday concerts at schoolhouses)?

I don't see how anyone is promoting religion by having a concert that, by some sheer coincidence, happens to have a song or two that features a religious theme (which, also coincidentally, is the reason there is a holiday to begin with. There wouldn't even be an issue here ABOUT it if Christians and Jews didn't celebrate Chaunakah and Christmas. You wouldn't even get Festivus, if it was the left's view. We'll just have to start having generic holidays). Good golly miss molly. How are we "hurting" anyone by doing that? By having a song that says the world "Jehovah," or "Jesus," good God (literally)!

I continue to enjoy the pertinent leftist agenda that continues the downward spiral of moral values and ethics, until we end up with Orwellian organizations against such things as love, religion, and war.

Funny, and I thought they blamed the right for our eccentrism.