Originally posted by Double-J:
So just because times change, we all of the sudden have a bunch of paranoid lefties getting their shorts twisted over something that's been a part of American culture for the last century, at least (holiday concerts at schoolhouses)?
No mate, what I'm saying is, you get used to something because it's a part of your culture and tradition and it doesn't feel right when it's taken away. I really understand that. But because "that's the way it's always been around here" doesn't mean it should stay that way. That was the point of the Ape anecdote.
Originally posted by Double-J:
I continue to enjoy the pertinent leftist agenda that continues the downward spiral of moral values and ethics, until we end up with Orwellian organizations against such things as love, religion, and war.
Orwellian values are traditionally associated with the far right. Animal Farm is an attack of leftism views but 1984 is clearly an attack on totalitarianism. But the Orwellian organizations you refer to are easily the result of control from the right.