Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Orwellian values are traditionally associated with the far right. Animal Farm is an attack of leftism views but 1984 is clearly an attack on totalitarianism. But the Orwellian organizations you refer to are easily the result of control from the right. [/QB]
Right. But my thought is that the left seemingly wants our society to reach a point of bland-ness, of seemingly generic mush so as not to offend anyone. For instance, a public school Christmas...err, holiday concert. The school is using taxpayer dollars to fund the education of the children, and funding the use of the building for them (the children) to express what they have been working on during the semester.

Yet, because some selections may have some sort of religious connotation, we are all of the sudden offending someone? Now, the school is advocating and promoting a specific religion, and encouraging the establishment thereof?

I seriously don't see how a school concert is advocating the establishment of a national religion. Goodness gracious, again, I see the logic of the left - legalize prostitution, but we can't say God in school.