Originally posted by J Geoff:
What's the difference between schools in NYC or anywhere else with a large Jewish population being closed for Jewish holidays due to lack of overall attendance (which is fine) versus: most of the United States of America which has a huge Christian population all over getting the same courtesy on Christmas Eve and Good Friday??
Nothing wrong with it at all.

Don Cardi implied, or maybe I just inferred, that since they changed the vacation names from Christmas and Easter to Winter and Spring, the Christian school population didn't have any religious holidays off, while the Jewish school population did.

My question about extra days being added to the vacation to accomodate Christmas Eve when necessary, and Good Friday, was meant to illustrate that they were, in fact, being given extra time off for religious reasons, even if the vacation period itself is named something else.

Why they renamed the vacation periods is still a mystery. To me, and I think to most NYC school kids and their parents, it's still "Christmas Vacation" and "Easter Vacation", and always will be.

Oh, and BTW, you're not far enough to the left to join my commune. You have to be almost a communist, like Patrick.

"Difficult....not impossible"