Originally posted by plawrence: [ Don Cardi implied, or maybe I just inferred, that since they changed the vacation names from Christmas and Easter to Winter and Spring, the Christian school population didn't have any religious holidays off, while the Jewish school population did.
Plaw, I saw post after post regarding a controversy over Christamas, which in fact is the TITLE of this post. I did not reply to any right away, but instead ingested everything that was said. Than after ingesting all these veiws and opinions about Christmas, I pulled out my child's public school calender and upon looking it over I found those two days listed and was sincerely curious as to why no religious references were made by the schools to any of the other holidays accept those two days. I never implied anything! I came right out and asked it! SC answered it and you contributed to SC's answer! Nothing more to discuss! End of story!
Don Cardi
Don Cardi
Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.