Originally posted by CamillusDon:
I find it very interesting that the people who work in these public building are no longer able to display things that for them, make the work place a little better.

That personal expressions [b]MUST
be kept out of the public view if you work in such a place.[/b]
So I take it, then, that during Gay Pride Week you would have no problem with the homosexuals who worked in a government building hanging a huge banner in the lobby celebrating homosexuality?

Or members of The American Nazi Party who worked in the same building hanging a banner to celebrate Hitler's birthday?

I would have a problem with either, BTW. The argument, for me anyway, is not only about religion.

That the workers personal happiness can be walked all over, but the people who may have force this to happen can then come there, demand from these same workers, that they help them with their personal problems. ( serve the people)

You want something, you turn to the government. You can't afford something, ask the government to pay for it.

They get old, they ask for a reduction in their taxes. You can't feed yourself? Then ask for food stamps, hand outs, discounts, supplements and free programs. Your special interest group need start up funds, you go to the government. You have special needs you go to the government.

Your kids lose their father and they get SSI checks each month. Sounds like a personal problem to me, maybe they should have gotten some life insurance to protect their family.
I wouldn't automatically assume that those who seek relief from the government are the same people who don't want religious displays in government buildings.

I'm sure there are many people who share your viewpoint who need government help, just as I am sure that there are people who don't who share mine.

"Difficult....not impossible"