That's cool Irishman, I was just trying to provoke a discussion.

I feel there's enough excitement in low scoring type games like football (US football) and football (soccer) without excessive scoring. It's embarrassing to see too much scoring. 2 recent examples - The Cincinnati - Browns game (58 - 48) and for the UK people the Arsenal - Spurs (5-4) game. That doesn't say much about defensives.

Maybe I'm more prone to like lower scoring type games just by being English and loving soccer.

In US football, you get the excitement of big plays and first downs building upto scores. The same can be said for soccer in offensive battles, corners and close goal free kicks. Then, when finally that TD or goal comes in you get that huge adrenaline rush knowing something game changing has happened.

But for me, with basketball, scoring is the norm. And because there's nothing extra than that it gets a little boring.

So die all who betray Giuliano