whats the reason for being that personal?
Because he's attacked me on his blog when I called him out for giving Cicale a platform at the EXACT SAME TIME that it was revealed that Cicale was trying to con the Basciano family out of money on the premise that he could get Vinny a mistrial.
I knew about the shakedown six months before the story broke, and there are posters here who can verify that. Do you really think that Ed should have given this scumbag a voice, knowing full well that he was still trying to shake down the Bascianos? Knowing what I just told you about Ed, could you still defend him?
Funny how that didn't make it into Ed's book, huh? But it did come out later in Gangland, a much more reputable source, where Jerry Capeci ripped Ed a new asshole for omitting the shakedown from the book.
Don't know if you have in fact other knowledge or reasons to be that personal.
Well, having said what I just posted above, and having lived four houses away from Vinny for many years, and having watched his boys grow up with my girls, hopefully now you understand a little bit better the way I feel. And I don't sugarcoat criminality for one minute. You kill people, you belong in jail. But Cicale DRAGGED THE MAN'S EX-WIFE AND CHILDREN into it in his shakedown, and this was WHILE ED WAS WRITING THAT BOOK.
I read his blog from time to time, there a few gems.
I don't read his malware filled site. But when he breaks his first gem, you be sure to let me know.
And whats the deal with his pseudonym?
It's not that he uses a pseudonym. It's that he constantly lies about being Italian. His real name is Ed Lieber. He's Jewish, and I have nothing but love for the Jews. But he could just have easily picked a Jewish pseudonym. By swearing that he's Italian, (which was torn to threads on another site through a simple Genealogy/Ancestry search), he displays a certain self-hatred that turns me off.
That's the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you for that. Calling Ed a journalist is like calling Al Sharpton a responsible Black leader.
You've been here a couple of years now, Mickey, and you seem like a nice guy who doesn't look for trouble. I've been here for quite a bit longer and I rarely look for trouble myself. But this is, indeed, VERY personal for me. I hate Dom Cicale, and I loathe Lieber for giving him a voice. I hope they give each other AIDS and fucking die. But for the sake of the board, and out of respect for the mods, I'd rather just let it go. Enjoy your weekend
