fully agree with you about lieber being around cicale while he was trying to squeeze the bascianos for that money..biggest fucking scumbag move I have ever heard of in my life..honestly who does cicale think he is (we know who the other guy thinks he is, an Italian gangster/writer/story teller) becoming a rat and testifying and then after that trying to extort money from the bascianos like hes still a gangster.. some fucking nerve..
I respect vinny's kids for not beating him to death or shooting him in the fucking face for trying to pull that bullshit..im furious about it and I have nothing to do with it..
how did cicale not get clipped or shelved when he was on the street? it just seems like hes such a scumbag(which is usually necessary in that life) that im surprised he didn't screw over everyone he dealt with on the street to the point where something had to be done..
Who was in cicales crew when he was on the street? I feel bad for anyone who had to take orders from this moron and feel even worse they had to kick up $ to his dumb ass.. what rackets did he have going on?(cause In his own words hes an all around fucking renaissance man when it comes to earning) besides wiping vinnys ass? he also seriously looks like a stone cold junkie.. I would bet money he was using drugs..feel bad for that guy he beat out of 30k.. how exactly did that happen? knowing his character.. bet it went something like this.. he found a normal working man and borrowed the $ with absolutely no intention on ever paying it back.. really not cool to use your button to exploit someone who isn't even in the life just cause you know you can.