Cicale was apparently the only one who liked and showed any kind of respect to Pizzolo
Well, you have to at least consider the possibility that Cicale was trying to convince the Feds that he was trying to save Pizzolo's life. And by claiming to have liked him, it may have helped him sell his story. Of course, that's just speculation on my part. But you know my feelings about the Feds and their star witnesses, so maybe I'm letting my personal feelings cloud my judgement there. But I do think it's at least plausible.
Maybe PB will know the real story with that, but the Destafano book paints Pizzolo more like an embecile, than a psycho.
You're being nice, Sinatra Club. During one of Pizzolo's skid bits
on the Hunts Point prison barge, he got into a beef because it took him three hours to watch "60 Minutes."
Hey, you don't fuck with inmates when it comes to television
