Thats why I dig ya always makes valid points(of course that ending when Stewart does get the money was apparently criticized in some communist governments at the time as an example of materialism equating to what the capitalist vision of what happiness is.)

Neverless, I like the movie. I usually try to catch it doing the holidays once(then again, since the movie is public domain thats why studios replay the damn movie over and over without having to pay for it) and hell, the film's payoff still works(though who's seen the SNL parody of the movie in their so-called "Alternate Ending" where the town rioted and promptly throw the evil Mr. Potter out the window, with I think Dana Carvey as "Jimmah" Stewart. Ha!) You know, back when SNL was worth watching...

BTW a Briton, I can't wait for your take on the American comedies of John Landis