I respect your views on films Capo but here I must disagree with you. First of all,, I think that Capra's direction was perfect because in this film one didn't need stand out direction. What moved this film was the charecters, whom one could always identifyl. George Baley, the fustrated everyman is just like the average American joe and his journey is our journey.

This isn't Capra's best though. That goes to "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington".

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia