Really, you shouldnt even need to defend yourself against a clown like that
I don't, BJ. Wow, now that sounded pretty gay (not that there's anything wrong with that

But seriously, I really don't have to defend myself against him. Not with friends like you and Sinatra and Sonny and Hairy and Kev and Tommy and a million other guys who I've become close with on the boards over the years. Wiseguy/Ivy, too. We disagree on a lot of things, but we respect each other. And whoever I left out, don't be offended. I'm trying to keep it short. But thank you all.
I won't dignify that asshole Lieber with a response. I won't even look at the shit on his site. I don't have to. I know it's just lie after lie that gets emailed to him anonymously, and the putz falls for it every time and prints it like it's Gospel. Then when he finds out he was wrong, sometimes within an hour or two, he deletes it and isn't even man enough to acknowledge the retraction.
For the zillionth time, journalism is dead. You could never get away with this in the days of printed newspapers. Once it was out there, it was out there. You gave your editor bullshit and he printed it, you both caught shit. Today, all an asshole like Lieber has to do is edit his "column" ten minutes after he writes it. He's a joke. He knows that I'm more respected than he is on the Internet (and I'm not even a fucking writer), and that's why he hates me.