Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
any way , now that Hillary came out and wants the presidency, I don't feel the excitement for her in the democrat party, that was felt in years past.

can she win? the nomination maybe, but, can she beat the republican nominee? im not as sure of that as I once was.

The Clinton Pig will never be President. Mark it down. Pizzaboy: April 13, 2015. And I said as much back in 2008, but you'd have to do a lot of searching to find those posts. But they're still here if you look hard enough for them.

de Blasio (who I hate, but now have at least this reason to admire for three minutes) already backstabbed her (it's on the cover of both NY tabloids today). The Obamas hate her and will follow suit.

Why should Biden step aside for her? I think he's an idiot, but he's a two-term lame duck Vice President. Why should he step aside for her if he wants it?

Clinton, Kennedy, Bush, Taft, Harrison, Adams, Roosevelt, Rockefeller, and on and on and on. This is America. There's no such thing as a royal family here. That Kennedy Camelot bullshit always drove me up a fucking wall. Why did we break away from England in the first place if we're just going to keep putting the same families back in office?

I've grown far too cynical to post in these political threads lately. But for clarity's sake, I was a moderate Democrat for over thirty years. But I never in my life pulled the lever just because there was a (D) next to a candidate's name. Today I'm an Independent and a very jaded one at that.

Fuck Hillary Clinton. I'd vote for a qualified moderate female candidate in a heartbeat. But I'd rather give myself an appendectomy with a rusty surgical tool in India than utter the words President Clinton ever again.

But back to the original point. Pizzaboy: April 13, 2015. That woman will never be President. And I hope the pain of another grueling two-year long campaign and eventual heartbreaking loss ages her another twenty years. She already looks like steamed shit on a plate.

Do you mind givin us your pick? Who do you think is going to win? Who do you want to win?