I mean, I'd give up my job right now to be a football player, lol.

Fuck it. Working sucks. I'd rather be rich.

But seriously, I feel bad for the guys who played long ago, before this was news. Shit, even 5 years ago, this was a much bigger problem. The NFL has tried their hardest to cover up CTE and everything for YEARS. It's gross, but unsurprising. They view it as an existential threat, which may be a justified position. I think it is very possible we are witnessing the peak of the NFL right now in terms of popularity and talent. People don't want their kids to play anymore, and for good reason.

The game needs a fundamental overhaul. The helmet to helmet stuff is a good first step. But it's so much more. It's the repeated minor brain trauma that O-Lineman face every play, or anytime a running back gets tackled, or every time a MLB hits a runner. It's a systemic problem...

One thing I think we'll see is the lineman will start standing up. No more 3 and 4 point stances allowed. Just my thoughts.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough about the NFL. Not exactly "on topic."