Victor Amuso, known as Vic, was a heroin dealer who back in 1977 had been caught with 3 pounds of the drugs alongside his best friend Anthony Casso, who was also known as Gaspipe, or Gas. He was known as Gaspipe because his father used to install gaspipes in homes so people could get free natural gas from the city that wasn’t metered. His, son, who helped him, became known as Gaspipe, a name which he hated. In reality, he should have just been known as “pipe” because for years, the word on the street was that he was smoking crack. To demonstrate how crazy Gaspipe was, while locked up he tried to bribe a guard to help him escape, and when that failed, he then put together a team that was going to attack the transport van taking him to court and his idea was for his guys to murder all the guards in the van with him. When the other families caught wind of his plan, they put a stop to it immediately, they could not accept the amount of heat this would draw to all the crime families.

That true?

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.