True Ted if each made guy put up 1, 2 or 3 guys now and then the numbers come out to just about what has been going on.

I also think they have gotten a little smarter weather it has to do with age or spending all that time in jail,but I don't know this I am guessing they have changed the way they do things .

I really don't think that the guys on the bottom have a clue whats going on at the top.In past years the whole family knew when someone hit a score.I think those days are over ,and it is being used all the way up the chain (just to many rats before)

But as far as the numbers go they have been making guys and it is most likely hush hush .Philly always loved to let the whole city and more know who was the guy ,not anymore.

Then there is the Scarfo crew ,if the top guys are like the charts say then Stevie is giving the Scarf guys the ok to make guys also. Now this could be a double edge sword. I think they will make the more intelligent and business minded guys .No doubt they need street guys but they come a dime a dozen,and are all over anyway.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."