Originally Posted By: Footreads
On the first video he kept 3000 rent money in a cigar box. Bull shit it's a lie did you notice the name of the place? Yemen he is middle eastern a store front business is a good way to get cash and get it to someone to distribute to a terrorist or to a mosque who will give it too a terrorist.


never dawned on me..but even the look on the store owner's face, you can tell he's not being 100% honest ...it looks like he saw the footage of the theft first..and came up with the amount missing afterwards.

What is the detective going to say though, that he stole less than 3 Gs? Police Dept. is embarrassed, it's a cash business....so he could have that much cash in the store between bank deposits...so they are just gonna pay.

The other stuff is an unfair reach.The fact that dudes who look like me might be criminals doesn't make me a criminal by default. The store owner didn't do anything to be painted with the "funding terrorists brush" And I'm saying that having had terrible experiences with Arabs in real life.

But you're right, store owner sees this as a windfall, he may sue also.