Originally Posted By: K1NG6
Thank you, Henry. You definitely did, and it's always nice to get insight from you on topics regarding Pittsburgh!

My only other question that you didn't answer was regarding if you ever knew or heard from Zebo if there was a thought that Genovese was going to promote him? With them being so tight (similar to Michael's relationship with Chucky) then Zebo would have been the next logical choice for the #2 spot with Chucky in prison. Or, with him being sick, did he just not want the troubles that would go along with it, similar to him not wanting to be made?

Underboss is an interesting thought. As you know I only post from personal experience not from the internet. That being said that term was never spoken in my presence. However money is a great motivator especially if you have large expenses and concerns for your family's well being.

Only 5 people would know that for sure. 3 are dead and the of the other 2: 1 is in the can and the other drew the "Get Out of Jail Free" card ;-) Then again, maybe the Feds know?

Last edited by Friend_of_Henry; 05/11/15 04:01 PM.

"Never walk in a room that you don't know how to get out of"- Henry Zottola