Hyman "Hy" Larner aka Thomas “Red” Waterfall

This guy controlled a massive coin machine operations in Chicago, around the U.S. and other foreign contries and also headed the Independent Amusement Association under different names.He had political connections around the world, like government officals in Mexico,Ferdinand Marcos from the Philippines, Manuel Noriega and General Omar Torrijos from Panama. Through his smuggling contacts and routes for the coin machines,he also smuggled weapons and narcotics. He was also involved in the oil business and the music business. He also handled some of the cash transactions for the mob in Chicago and for some of the high profile NY mobsters.During the early 90's he faked his death by corrupting Panamanian newspapers to publish his alleged death because he had suspicion that the U.S. government was looking for him.So when the agents discovered that he was still alive they wanted again to make a move on Larner but just when it appeared the move against him was under way,the State Department had intervened and quashed the FBI’s investigation.He lived untill the age of 87 and was convicted only once in his whole life which was a very small conviction.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.